Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Unit 1 Reflection

Unit One Reflection:

This unit in Anatomy and Physiology was focused about macromolecules, and types of tissues. The main theme of this unit is histology and how structure fits function. In the class, we learned about the different types of tissues, their structure, and their function. The different tissues we learned about were epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous. Another theme was homeostasis and hierarchy. Homeostasis is the maintaining a stable internal environment. An example of homeostasis is the hypothalamus above the roof of your moth that senses your temperature and reacts in a negative feedback loop to it. Hierarchy is also an umbrella theme in Anatomy. The main configuration of hierarchy goes from atom , molecules, macromolecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems, biomes, and biospheres. Anatomy generally focuses on the layers of organelles to organisms.

I think that I didn't really understand how all the tissues came together in the end, and how they work together to ensure homeostasis in the body. I know what they all do individually, and what their structure and functions are, but it not how they all come together in the end. In this unit, we completed the dissection of Hana the Banana, the sugar lab, and tissue lab. From Hana the Banana we learned about the anatomical positions, such as superior/inferior, and anterior/posterior. From the sugar lab, we learned about the structure of polysaccharides such as cellulose and starch, and how they do not taste sweet in comparison to disaccharides and monosaccharides such as sucrose and glucose.

This unit helped us understand histology more, and in turn that helped us understand what a histologist does. A histologist "examines and analyzes cells and body fluids". They must also be able to match blood types for blood transfusions, and test blood levels in the blood.

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