Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Pillars of Health

Health to me means being able to be happy and fit in both mental and physical aspects. A good way to do a quick check to see if you are healthy is to compare your daily lifestyle to the standars of the five pillars of health. The five pillars are: exercise, sleep, social, nutrition, and stress. Making sure that you have an adequate amount (and not too much) of each of these pillars can ensure a healthy lifestyle. Personally, I believe I am strongest in the pillars of social, nutrition, and exercise. The pillars that I need to most improve on are the areas of stress/ stress management and sleep. In terms of health, I'm most interested in learning on how our body changes and adapts when one of these pillars is disrupted, and what a body in total sync with the pillars looks like as well.  I am also interested in learning about diseases and other repercussions that can occur when one of the pillars is not met (e.g not meeting the standards for health can result in Type 2 Diabetes). 

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