Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Performance Enhancing Substances

Performance enhancing substances are used to increase athletic performance, promote muscles growth, and increase an individual's capacity for exercise. Many students take performance enhancing substances to boost their athletic performance, build muscle, increase their body mass or to lose weight. This can be because of the negative influence that society plays with body images, or because of peer pressure. The negatives of steroids outweigh the positives, they can damage a person's mental and physical health and many are illegal. They can also cause "roid rage", mood swings, paranoia, anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. Most steroids come with negatives, but some like massages and myofascial release help relax the muscles and have no discernible negatives. I think that it's worrisome that there's so many students who are taking steroids, and that they feel like they have to meet some expectation to look a certain way because of external influences, and today people value body image more than their mental and physical health. Below, we created a satirical ad about aging, mimicking the way that many drug companies pitch their product to their consumer base. 

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