Monday, February 29, 2016

Teen Coloring Books

In Anatomy, we are working on a project called 20 Time. 20 Time is when you spend 20% of your time working on whatever inspires or motivates you, usually with an altruistic motive to give back to the community fueling the approach. It's used in big companies such as Google, where 20 Time projects gave way to bigger things. For example, on employee felt that the current mail system was too slow, so he created Gmail.

For my 20 Time project, I wanted to know different/healthy ways to reduce student stress. After researching the topic, I found out about coloring books that were tailored to adults, filled with intricate drawings of mandalas and other patterns. Although not described as form of art therapy, there was evidence showing how coloring reduced stress, increased focus, and led to an overall better sense of self. I decided that I wanted to draw my own coloring book and make it an in-between of an adult coloring book and a child's. I want to include the basic mandala designs inside of an outline that brings teens back to their childhood.
At the end of this project, I want to have the start of a coloring book, and I can do this by doing a creating page a week. If I continue to follow those outlines, then by the end of the project I should have the beginnings of a complete coloring book with about 14 pages inside of it.

Some challenges will be trying not to make the patterns in the book overly repetitive and coming up with new and interesting ways/ patterns to keep the audience occupied. Below is an example of a pattern that I want to try to draw sometime in the process :)


  1. I love the drawing you made already!It looks perfect! One thing I am concerned about for you is time management in creating the artwork all in class. For me at least, 40 minutes in class is not enough time to finish an artwork. Will you have enough time in class to work on your coloring book and if not how much time will you allot out of class to work on the project?

    Kelly Hsu

  2. Hi Simrun! I think you're off to a solid start with your idea as you've chosen something to target that's really relatable for students in a high-stress environment like SHS. I think that you could also talk about the overall healing powers of art and how it can help us as we struggle to deal with stress everyday. As an artist, I know how stress relieving it can be to take your mind off school and focus on doing something artistic, whether that be music, photography or drawing. I think that you could potentially take inspiration from already existing designs to create your own. You maybe could take ideas from multiple designs and creatively put them all together for a unique piece, as like you said, a lot of coloring books are pretty repetitive. How do you plan to put together this art book? By drawing it yourself on paper, or using a computer based graphic software like Adobe Illustrator? Good luck!! -Eric

  3. I love how you took one of the monday wellness topics that we did last semester and are using it for your 20 time project. Also I like how you're going to go into how art, specifically coloring, helps with relieving stress. I can't wait to see what you come up with for some of the pages.

  4. I'm excited about this. Can you do some SHS specific designs that our students might really be into?
