Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Goals for the New Year

For my New Year’s Resolution’s, I want to focus on being able to improve myself both inside and outside of my classes. One of my goals for outside the class is that I will take more risks and put myself out there more, instead of letting any potential drawbacks prevent me from doing something that I want to do, no matter how improbable that risk is. To start doing this, I’m going to start inside the class by participating more, which I sometimes find difficult because I’m often afraid that I won’t be contributing anything substantial. I’ll likely start with trying to contribute at least one time in class per day, and from there increase number of times when I feel comfortable.

Inside the class, specifically, in Anatomy, I will stop procrastinating when it comes to homework and tests. I will do the homework the day that it is assigned, and I will study for tests at least a week before so I can review properly, instead of saving last minute review for the day before and losing sleep because of my poor planning. I think that using flashcards as a way of studying and reviewing ahead of time would help me as well, since I know it’s a technique that works for me, but is often left behind in the mad dash to review everything on the day before.

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